- Our General Membership Meetings are held the second Tuesday of each month, January thru November, unless a holiday.
- Meeting time and place is announced in our monthly club newsletter the VALVE CHATTER.
- All members and friends are welcome.
- Join us!
Monthly breakfast meetings on the second Tuesday at
Richies Real American Diner
40651 Murrieta Hot Springs Road Murrieta,CA
(Jan through Nov) Breakfast @8am and Meeting @9am
Next meetings:
- March 11th
- April 11th
- May 13th
Palomar Mountain V-8’s (Regional Group 148)
Membership Requirements: Payment of modest membership dues to both the National and Regional Group is required. All you need is an interest in the hobby. Our group arranges for monthly Tours for an opportunity to get together and drive our classic Fords. Touring is great fun whether you drive an early V-8, or a modern car. Our Tours are usually on Thursdays in the morning with lunch after.
Valve Chatter Newsletter
Click here for the March issue of Valve Chatter in PDF format. It is a large
4 MB document suitable for downloading or viewing in your browser.
The Early Ford V-8 Club of America efv8.org
A non-profit corporation of California dedicated to restoration and preservation of Ford Motor Company vehicles 1932 through 1953.
Est. 1963.